How to restore/repair a 12v lead acid battery ils360. loading... unsubscribe from ils360? this is how you repair a lead acid battery. skip navigation sign in. search. loading.... This page will guide you through process of restoring an old, sulfated lead acid battery to like new conditions with almost no investment. the only required materials are a dead battery, distilled water and a homemade battery rejuvenator. this process should restore any lead acid type battery that is sulfated due to old age or use.. Bring dead lead acid battery to live again: to day we will learn how to bring dead sealed lead acid battery to live again this method i tried with alot of dead and expired batteries and 90% of them back to work again p.s : this method may be not bring the battery to full performance of the....
How to recover 12 volt battery | repair shield lead acid battery | ups battery at home easy way. hello friends today we will showing your how to recover/ repair /restore your 4v 6v 12v lead acid. I recently watched a movie that had been posted on line by someone who claimed he was going to show how to restore a lead-acid battery. it was 26+ minutes of the worst kind of disinformation. the demonstrator showed a 12v car battery, showed it was down to about 2 volts. he said he would try to restore it.. How to repair dead dry battery at home , lead acid battery repairation related videos 1. how to make dc motor at home , homemade electric motor easy https://....
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